Social Investment Pioneer

The UN-backed Principles for Social Investment Secretariat (PSI Secretariat), a United Nations Global Compact Initiative, has recognised Thaipat Institute as one of the 50 Social Investment Pioneers in 2012 among the submissions from more than 40 countries and spanning many different sectors and industries.

The international Social Investment Pioneer Awards honour businesses that are most effectively responding to social, economic and environmental impacts and opportunities. Open to all UNGC Signatories, the Pioneer Awards recognise social investment initiatives across five categories: Responsible Business, Inclusive Business, Shared Value, Strategic Corporate Philanthropy, and Social Business.

In summary, principled social investment is characterised by initiatives and activities that are;

The funder is knowledgeable and committed, reasonably assured to play a positive role and does not negate or unnecessarily duplicate the efforts of other contributors.

The funder takes responsibility for the intentional and unintentional effects of their funding, and embraces the concepts of transparency, self-assessment, and peer advancement.

The funder has due regard for the local customs, traditions, religions, and priorities of pertinent individuals and groups.

The funder engages in reflective and legitimate practices conducted in accordance with applicable laws and accepted international norms of behaviour.

While necessarily high-level and conceptual, the Guidelines provide the basis for understanding the main determinants of effective social investment in its various forms.

Read the Principles for Social Investment guidelines - click to download